Controlling Regional Inflation by Increasing Six Concrete Efforts - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuantan Singingi Regency

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Controlling Regional Inflation by Increasing Six Concrete Efforts

Controlling Regional Inflation by Increasing Six Concrete Efforts

December 23, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, December 23, 2024 at the Meeting Room of the Regional Secretariat (Sekda) of Kuantan Singingi Regency (Kuansing), an integrated meeting on regional inflation control was held virtually via Zoom Meeting. This activity was organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs and officially opened by the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Aria Bima.

This meeting was attended by representatives of local governments from all regions of Indonesia who are the object of the regional inflation sample. In his direction, the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs emphasized the importance of increasing strategic measures by local governments in controlling inflation in their respective regions.

"The local government must be able to increase six concrete efforts in handling regional inflation," said Aria Bima. The six steps include strengthening data on the availability of basic materials, intensive price monitoring, efficient food distribution, measurable market intervention, logistics transportation control, and increasing cooperation between regions.

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