December 17, 2024 | Other Activities
BPS Kuantan Singingi Regency has just joined a workshop organized by BPS Riau Province entitled "Data Visualization with Metabase" on Tuesday, December 17 2024. This activity aims to improve the ability of BPS employees to process and present data interactively and easily understood via the Metabase platform .
This workshop was attended by representatives of BPS Riau Province and representatives of all BPS districts/cities throughout Riau Province. Not only sharing theoretical Metabase knowledge, with instructor Afdi Rizal, SST, MT, the participants were also given the opportunity to practice using Metabase to create effective data-based dashboards.
Participants showed positive responses during the workshop. With this high enthusiasm, it is hoped that the knowledge and insights gained can be applied by all participants to optimize the presentation of data that is attractive, easy to access, and easy for the general public to understand.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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