March 4, 2025 | Other Activities
Teluk Kuantan – Head of the Kuantan Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Singingi also attended the Kuansing DPRD Plenary Meeting which took place on Monday (03/03) afternoon. The meeting became momentum for the Regent of Kuansing, Dr. H. Suhardiman Amby, MM, and Deputy Regent H. Muklisin to deliver a speech at the start of the 2025-2030 term of office.
In the meeting, the Regent and Deputy Regent emphasized their commitment to running the government with a focus on infrastructure development, downstream agriculture and plantations, improving health services, education and regional governance.
The Head of BPS Kuansing was present along with a number of other regional officials, including Forkopimda, Vertical Agencies, and Kuansing Regency Government officials. The presence of BPS at this event shows support for accurate and measurable data-based development policies.
The Regent of Kuansing also invited all stakeholders to work together in realizing the vision of Kuantan Singingi which is competitive, prosperous, traditional and advanced (KUANSING STATE TOGETHER IN RIAU PROVINCE). The event closed with thanks from the Regent to the community for the trust given.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (Statistics of Kuantan Singingi Regency)Jl. Roesdi S.Abrus No.12 Teluk Kuantan RIAU
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