Supervision of PAT Checking by the Head of BPS Kuantan Singingi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuantan Singingi Regency

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Supervision of PAT Checking by the Head of BPS Kuantan Singingi

Supervision of PAT Checking by the Head of BPS Kuantan Singingi

January 16, 2025 | Other Activities

Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Kuantan Singingi Regency, Ir. Rozalinda, ME, supervised the Planting Area Expansion Check (PAT) in Sungai Manau Village, Kuantan Mudik District, on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
The PAT program initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture aims to increase national rice productivity. In supporting this program, BPS has received a PAT polygon map from the Center for Agricultural Data and Information Systems. The map serves as the basis for forming a sample framework in the Area Sample Framework Survey (KSA) for rice plants.
In Kuantan Singingi Regency, there are 94 PAT polygons spread across 12 sub-districts. This supervision step is carried out to ensure accuracy and maximize the effectiveness of the program, in order to support increasing national food security.
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