BPS Education and Training Center Offers New Microlearning on e-WARKOP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kuantan Singingi Regency

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BPS Education and Training Center Offers New Microlearning on e-WARKOP

BPS Education and Training Center Offers New Microlearning on e-WARKOP

March 11, 2025 | Other Activities

In an effort to support the development of the competence of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 20 of 2023, the BPS Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) continues to innovate by improving learning media through the Learning Management System (LMS) e-WARKOP platform. In 2024, the achievement of fulfilling employee competency development of 20 teaching hours (JP) at the BPS Riau Province echelon II work unit has reached 48.58%. This figure has exceeded the national average achievement, which is 45.12%.

To improve this achievement in 2025, the BPS Pusdiklat offers independent learning in the form of eight new microlearnings that can be accessed through the official link, namely https://lms.bps.go.id, in the Independent Training category. The list of new microlearnings is:
1) Speaking With Confidence (3 JP)
2) SPIP Series 1: Why is SPIP Important? (3 JP)
3) Introduction to Small Area Estimation/SAE (3 JP)
4) Introduction to Gretl (3 JP)
5) Time Series Data Analysis ARIMA Model with Gretl (3 JP)
6) Data Exploration and Analysis (5 JP)
7) Ms. Excel for Professional: Data Model (3 JP)
8) Cyber ​​Security (4 JP)
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